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Quick Start Guide

I. Sign up – free trial

Go to www.cosmicbills.com and select what country your in.  Click “Create New Account” button. Fill out the fields then submit. The free trial will be for 14 days, up to 100 documents.

II. Connect to your accounting

After you successfully submitted, you‘ll then need to login to your Xero account to connect.

III. Cosmic Bills Settings

Login, and see Cosmic Bills menu”:

For most users

In the menu, the only things you may need to edit are

  • You may map your Supplier to a particular expense account
  • You may map your product to a particular expense account
  • Choose on how you want to upload your bills.
    • Default– You will upload you bill and wait until it successfully scanned
    • First Uploading option: You will upload you bill and you don’t need to wait until it successfully scanned. You will notify via email that your bills were successfully scanned.
    • Second Uploading option: You will upload you bill and you don’t need to wait until it successfully scanned. You will notify via email that your bills were successfully scanned and will be posted to Xero directly.



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